eJobDescriptions.com Gets Productivity Award

Job Descriptions and IT HR Tools are a winner

Hot JobseJobDescriptions.com Gets Productivity Award - The IT Productivity Center (ITPC) has just awarded ejobdescription.com with its prestigious “2010 Productivity Award” for the electronic Internet and IT Job Descriptions HandiGuide.  The 2010 awards competition attracted 131 nominations for innovations and productivity improvements worth $40 million in cost savings, cost avoidances and increased revenue for the IT function of enterprises of all sizes.

The awardee’s electronic book met all of ITPC’s criteria for improved productivity, as it is electronically based and is content rich.  Not only does it include 231 fully ADA and ISO compliant IT job descriptions, it also contains a job progression matrix, sample organizational charts, set of best practices for screening resumes and phone screening, process for hiring and motivation employees, job evaluation questionnaires, and logs to be used in the hiring process.
In providing the award the CEO of the IT Productivity Center said, “We have reviewed the job descriptions that are included in the HandiGuide and find them as complete and update as any that we have seen.”  They added, “The best practices included are what really put this product over the top for www.ejobdescriptions.com.  Every CIO and IT Manager should strive to achieve the processes contained within the HandiGuide.”

The 2010 Productivity Award allows its recipients to the award logo on their web site as well as including it on any materials that that received the award. 

In order to qualify for this award the product or service is required to “Soar like and eagle” as the logo depicts.  The center is constantly looking for enterprises that seek to achieve this goal.  Nominations are accepted from enterprises that can show measurable productivity improvements from the products or services that they nominate.

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